Apartments / Hotels

Hotel and Apartment K9 Bed Bug Inspections Virginia Beach VA

Has one of your guests brought bed bugs with them? Did your last renter leave you an unexpected infestation? There are many ways that a hotel or an apartment ends up getting bedbugs. RVA Thermal Heats K9 Division can get you back up and running quicker than your standard pest control practices and keep you up and running. Having it treated chemically could shut down that room for three weeks. No one wants to lose revenue. Give us a call to see how we are different.

Preventative Bed Bug Treatment

RTH’s K9 Division prevents outbreaks and keeps you running. With our K9 bed bug inspections and preventative services you can stay ahead of the issues. Included in our packages are quarterly preventative services and heat treatments if needed using the latest technology so you can get your facility back to 100% in no time. We find the bugs, kill the bugs and their eggs, and then keep them away.

HUD bed bug heat treatmentCertified K9 Bed Bug Inspections

housing authority bed bug heat treatmentOngoing preventative maintenance

multifamily bed bug heat treatmentTransparent reporting for every search

hud heat treatment for bed bugsTreated rooms are only down for a few hours during treatment if needed

housing authority heat treatmentHeat Treatments included in packages



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